由容易老師研發的iPHONE 3G手機「星座戀愛占卜」命理程式已經可以下載使用了

on 2009年12月10日 星期四

由容易老師研發的iPHONE 3G手機「星座戀愛占卜」命理程式已經可以下載使用,本程式直覺式的操作頁目,漂亮醒目的畫面,讓面對戀愛抉擇時,能有隨身參考的命理工具.目前有英文,繁體中文及簡體中文三種語言,歡迎聯結此網址http://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/i-diviner/id342349126?mt=8 下載使用



「i-Diviner」is the first divination program in the world, which combines the Western Horoscopes with Chinese「Yi Jing: The Change of Book」。 When you are facing the problem of the affection, the program will tell you the result of it. This program also provides The Tips to increase your romantic encounters based on your Horoscopes.
This program can be applied not only for Single persons who eager to know when and where to meet his/her lover, but also for the person-in-love, who would like to know the future of this love relationship. Thru this program, you will have a more clear answer of your affection, and make your love relationship go smoothly and satisfied.

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